Monday, April 25, 2016

Why May Day is One of the Most Sexy Days of the Year

Why May Day is One of the Most Sexy Days of the Year by Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) | Between the Wyrlds | #Beltane #Mayday #Pagan #rubywriter

In much of Europe the first day of May is marked as a day to honour the common worker. Since the 19th century, May Day has been celebrated as the International Workers' Day – an international equivalent to the Labour Day celebrated on the first Monday of September in North America.
But before it became associated with the labour movement, the first of May had been marked for centuries as a holiday. Known variously as Beltane, Walpurgis or simply May Day, this celebration reaches back to pre-Christian times when it was often seen as the transition from winter to summer.
Many Pagans and non-Pagans alike use the word Beltane – from the Gaelic bealltainn to denote the 1st of May and the celebrations that take place on that day. Some say the word means something like “bright fire”; Douglas Harper gives it as “blazing fire.” Whatever the derivation, it was the name given by the Celts to fiery celebrations that took place as the winter gave way to summer.

Beltane Fires

One of the best known traditions of Beltane is the lighting of a bonfire. The ancient Celts used to light two large fires and drive their livestock between them, as a ritual of purification. This would protect the animals as they sent them out to graze in summer pastures. People who sought the same purification after a winter of being cooped up indoors, could dance between or leap over the fires.
In a similar tradition, young couples would jump over the fire together as a celebration of their love and sometimes as a sign that they wished to be married for a year and a day. Couples who wished to stay together after this time, could return to the Beltane fires to renew their vows for another year. A variant on jumping the bonfire is jumping over a cauldron in which a smaller fire is burning.
Why May Day is One of the Most Sexy Days of the Year by Kyla Matton Osborne aka Ruby3881 | Between the Wyrlds | #bonfire #fertility #betweenwyrlds

A Deeper Gene Pool

In days gone by, the people from many villages might come together at Beltane to allow young people to look for potential mates. It was also not uncommon for people of all ages to slip away from the bonfire with a partner they took just for the night. These “greenwood marriages” may have addressed fertility issues for some couples, and probably also contributed to the genetic diversity of the communities involved!

Today’s Beltane festivals do tend to have that element of sexuality and ecstatic surrender. But as Kerry Mullen mentions, the decades old fire festival in Scotland is now “growing up” and beginning to include activities with a more family-friendly focus. The energy becomes more one of celebrating spring and a more innocent kind of frolicking...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What is the Significance of the Sun in Astrology?

What is the Significance of the Sun in Astrology? (Image copyright Kyla Matton Osborne 2016, modified from sun graphic by OpenClipartVectors/Pixabay/CC0) | #energy #identity #Leo #self #rubywriter

Sun sign astrology is what you get when you look at the horoscope column in your newspaper, or consult an online horoscope site. But astrology is really much bigger than that. There is also your ascendant or rising sign, which some of you may know. And there is your moon sign, and also a sign for each of the eight planets in the solar system (we don’t usually include the earth in astrology, as we’re looking at the sky from a vantage point on the earth.)
But the Sun really is one of the most important figures in astrology, and it’s the first celestial body whose location we plot on a birth chart. So what does it represent?

Who is the Sun?

The Sun in astrology is identified with the Roman god Sol, and with the Greek gods Helios and Apollo. It rules Sunday. Its symbol is a point inside a circle, representing the Sun at the center of our solar system. This more modern symbol, that replaced an older image of a sun with a single ray of light, first appeared during the Renaissance.

Significance of the Sun

In astrology, the Sun represents the conscious self – the ego, the basic adult identity of a person. It helps us to answer the question, “Who am I?
The Sun represents reason, as opposed to instinct. It represents energy and life force (prana, chi.) The Sun’s location in a chart shows what we identify with, what motivates us and gives us direction, what we are proud of in our lives. It also represents all the things we are learning to be in this life.

The Sun in the Zodiac

In Western astrology, the Sun rules the sign of Leo. This is its natural home in the zodiac, its domicile or (domal) dignitySun is exalted in Aries; it has its detriment in Aquarius and its fall in Libra. (If you don’t know what all of these things mean, don’t panic! For now just take your cues from usual meanings of these words.)
The Sun is one of the most important parts of an astrological chart (Image: miradeshazer/Pixabay/CC0 ) | #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #sun #betweenwyrlds